Grey Water Pumps

SFA-engineered special grey water pumps for wastewater lifting. The Greywater pumps are easy to install and maintain and do not require a major building network. SFA produces more economical and compact grey water pumps.

SFA grey water pumps are designed to be installed easily by removing the need for substantial construction.

Grey Water Pumps -Sanispeed

Features of

Grey Water Lifting Solutions

Design Bathrooms Anywhere

No Gravity Drainage

Beyond Boundaries

Below Ground Level Washrooms


Clogging Problems

Solved with Effortless Efficiency

Made in France


SFA's Sanispeed Kitchen Sink Pump

Sanispeed Kitchen Sink Pump is one of the premium product from the SFA, that is designed to handle grey water from sinks, showers, and washing machines. Sanispeed pumps are ideal for residential and commercial purposes.

The grey water pumps efficiently lifts the drain water from hard-to-reach areas. Other models from SFA include, Sanivite and Sanishower. These pumps are easy to install and maintain. They offer consistent performance and ideal for grey water solutions for kitchen, utility rooms, and many more.

Sanispeed kitchen sink pump

Key features

SFA Sanispeed for Commercial Kitchen

grey water kitchen sink pumps

A grey water pump that can lift wastewater

The Sanispeed Kitchen Sink Pump is ideal for light commercial environments like small shops, cafes, bars, offices, and dental clinics, where effective wastewater disposal is essential. This grey water pump can lift and manage wastewater from kitchen sinks, washing machines, dishwashers, and washbasins, ensuring smooth operation in spaces with high water usage.

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Energy Efficiency Suitable for residential applications

SFA’s grey water lifting pumps are ideal to handle the grey water from showers, sinks, and washing machines. The pumps are offering versatile installation options with 22, 28, or 32 mm discharge pipework.

The Sanispeed kitchen sink pump is a top choice for under-sink drainage, efficiently overcoming gravity drainage challenges by pumping grey water both horizontally and vertically. Built for tough commercial applications, SFA pumps operate silently and ensure reliable performance.

Certificates & Approvals

SFA Grey Water Pumps





Area Of Application

Exploring Water Solutions for Your Residential & Commercial Needs

Waste Water Solutions

Other SFA Product Models

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